Monday, September 28, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The start of something new

In the next couple of months there is going to be a lot changes coming from me. Carrie Marine Photographics is parting ways and becoming two different companies. So from here on out you will be seeing Megan Carrie Photography and Bess Marine Photography. I will also be focusing more on making art and posting it. This blog is going to be a place where you can look and critique my body of work.
This first post is from my most recent series, which deals with circus people. In the coming weeks I will post older photographs from the series so you can see how it has progressed. At this point in time I am looking for as much critique as I can get! I am now starting the process of editing the body of work down in order to start making a go at putting them in public!!! So tell me what you like, don't like, which ones work together...... Whatever you feel like telling me...